Cornwall RFU Honorary Team Secretary Ewart White hold the Bill Beaumont Cup. – Mandatory Credit ©Simon Bryant/©Iktis Photo – Photo mandatory by-line: 31/05/15 – Cornwall, County Championship, Bill Beaumont Cup, Final, Lancashire, CRFU, LRFU, Twickenham Stadium, London Rugby Union, England,
Everybody connected with Trelawny’s Army are saddened to learn of the passing of our great friend and valued committee member Ewart White who sadly passed away yesterday following a short illness.
Ewart was rightly regarded as a stalwart of Cornish rugby, he was county team secretary for over twenty years, also a valued team secretary at Camborne RFC for even longer.
He, with others, helped enormously foster links between TASC and the Cornwall RFU, calling us “Cornwall’s 16th man”.
Ewart’s phone was at times the red-hottest in Cornwall as he phoned players to tell them they had been selected to play rugby for Cornwall. What a joy that must have been to both parties.
The high esteem that he was held in by the players he came to know is illustrated by the many comments on social media over the past few hours expressing their sadness but also huge respect they held for him as a man and friend.
His words of encouragement to young players playing for Cornwall were ones that were never forgotten. He looked after “his boys”.
Ewart was a gentleman, a Camborne man and a Cornishman. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
Trelawny’s Army wishes to express it’s deepest and most sincerest condolences to Margaret and the rest of the family at this sad time.
Please be advised Ewart’s funeral will take place on Friday 29th June at 11 am at Camborne Wesley Church, Chapel Street, TR14 8EG.
Afterwards at the Town Bar, Camborne RFC