Trelawny’s Army A.G.M. took place at the St. Austell Brewery Visitor Centre, we thank our President Sean Jarvis and the Brewery for their kind and much appreciated hospitality.
Once the formal business had been completed we were able to get to the presentations.
First and foremost, Ian Gordon announced that Hugh Penna had been made a Life Member.
Thanks were also expressed to both David & Viv Broadhurst who have stepped down from the committee after many years service encompassing various roles.
A cheque for £100 was presented to Bill Hooper from the CRFU in favour of Mike’s Trust.
A cheque for £500 was presented to Lee Maher from CRFU in respect of our continuing sponsorship of Colts rugby in Cornwall.
The Bill Osborne Memorial Shield went to MATT SHEPHERD. This was the third time Matt had been awarded the player of the year award, matching the achievement of Richard Carroll. Sadly Matt could not be with us as he is currently under the weather. We wish Matt all the best , you were missed. The award was presented by CRFU President Andy Reed to Mr Stanlake on Matt’s behalf.
The Jess Humber Shield went to AMY BUNT. It is the second consecutive year that Amy has picked up this award. We were delighted that both Jo and Verity Holden part of the Women’s coaching team could be with us.
The Tony Mead Memorial Shield for the Under 20 player went to JAMIE STANLAKE. Congratulations to Jamie on his award.
The evening concluded with the singing of Trelawny and a pasty supper.