Roger Watson stands down as Hon.Sec of the Cornwall RFU

The Cornwall Rugby Football Union is set to lose a most valued administrator Honorary Secretary, Roger Watson, has resigned and will attend his final meeting in January.  Recently, he has been unwell, he and his wife, Nikki, have decided to move to Newport to be closer to their daughter.

Roger’s time in rugby administration in Cornwall dates back to 1994 when he was Honorary Secretary of Cornwall Schools (16 Group) RFU and sat on the CRFU Committee.  He was Hon Sec of Redruth RFC from 2001 to 2014.  Well aware of his credentials, the CRFU approached him to become Honorary Secretary in 2015 – a position he has held with distinction.

Roger’s interest in Rugby started at an early age when he lived in Penzance.  He was the first Hon Sec of Trelawny’s Army Supporters Club.

Roger leaves with the very best wishes of Cornwall’s Management Board when his resignation was reluctantly accepted at Thursday’s meeting.  His loss is off-set by the welcome recruitment of Terry Williams, the former Camborne RFC Hon Sec, who has agreed to take over Roger’s role.  Roger also held the position of Secretary to Cornwall’s Disciplinary Committee, which will now be covered by Tony Knightsbridge from Liskeard-Looe RFC.

Myself, the C R F U and all the Cornish rugby family wish Roger and Nikki all the best with their move to Wales, and that Roger continues to overcome his illness.

Denis Preece

Chairman Cornwall RFU.


Everyone associated with Trelawny’s Army will wish to associate themselves with Denis’ words of appreciation to Roger. We owe Roger a huge debt for his sterling work as our first Hon.Sec. and his commitment  to the game. We wish Roger and Nikki the very best for their new life in South Wales.

Posted in Bill's Blog

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